Collecting Mismatched China: Variety Is The Spice Of Life

For me, there is something subtly stressful about collecting one particular type of china pattern! Especially if that china pattern is old and out of production. 

China pieces can be pricey and sometimes very hard to find. And if you break one - then you might just be out of luck when it comes to finding a replacement piece. 

Now, I understand about heirloom collections - pieces that have been passed down from generation to generation, and often times those are true collectibles - meaning, they are very often not used and instead just displayed, or packed away in an attic. 

But what about your daily dishes that you use every day? 

Are you the type of person who likes everything to be perfect, with all pieces matching and everything in it's place? Or do you prefer variety and more of a Bohemian style of decorating when it comes to your dining table? 

If this sounds like you, then you might love collecting mismatched china. 

What exactly is mismatched china?

This style of place settings (and tablescapes) is an eclectic and often colorful style of china place settings where instead of using one pattern of china you use a variety of - you guessed it - mismatched plates, bowls, and serving pieces. 

Lively and colorful, a table set with mismatched china has its own kind of magic. But not only that, collecting, displaying, and using this type of china on your dinner table is fun! And it's especially fun (and so beautiful) when you collect vintage china pieces. 

Available at virtually any thrift store, flea market, or antique mall, vintage china pieces are inexpensive, especially when they are being sold individually as orphaned pieces instead of as an entire china set, which can be very expensive to buy.

Yes, this type of china is not only fun to collect and use, and inexpensive to boot, but it is also perfect for the type of person who just can't decide what pattern they like best! With mismatched china, you can have it all.

~ Laura Beth Love

All jewelry shown was handmade by me and is available for sale in my Etsy shop, so be sure to stop by and see my newest creations.  - Laura Beth Love

If you love vintage things, and repurposing and upcycling old items into unique, new creations, and creative gardening, then you will love my upcycling blog, Dishfunctional Designs blog

Article and images copyright © Laura Beth Love 2021
